
Looking for the MindKit comic or other downloadables? Find them all on this page!

The MindKit Chronicles

Download the full MindKit webcomic and follow Thomas’s journey as he finds out more about mental health and learns how to deal with his dad’s posttraumatic stress injury (PTSI).

MindKit journal

Use the MindKit journal to record your feelings and emotions and as a safe space to express yourself, talk about challenges you’re dealing with and come up with things that might help you cope.

More downloadable resources


These tools are useful to have in your MindKit because you can do them any time of day or night. Some examples are listening to music, journalling, going for a walk, cooking, drawing or taking a shower.


These tools are things that require you to connect with someone. Some examples could include spending time with friends or Family or asking a trusted adult for advice
or support.

Need help?

It’s okay to ask for help!

If you’re struggling or find the content upsetting, speak to a parent, therapist, school counsellor or another trusted adult. They can share tips and ideas to help you feel better. There are other resources available to you too. It may feel tough to reach out for help, but support will be there if you need it.
Kids Help Phone

Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT or CAFKIDS to 686868

Family Information Line
Call or text 9-8-8 if you or someone you know is in distress. We are not a service provider.