
MindKit is a mental health education hub for young Family members of Veterans living with a posttraumatic stress injury (PTSI). We’re here to help young people learn more about things like mental health and the brain, the impacts of having a loved one with a PTSI as well as key coping tools and strategies.

MindKit is managed by the Atlas Institute for Veterans and Families. For more information, please fill out this form.

The website and its resources were co-developed with a youth advisory group and subject matter experts, who provided input and guidance on the topic areas, content and creative direction. We’re grateful for their contributions. A complete list of contributors can be found here.

Need help?

It’s okay to ask for help!

If you’re struggling or find the content upsetting, speak to a parent, therapist, school counsellor or another trusted adult. They can share tips and ideas to help you feel better. There are other resources available to you too. It may feel tough to reach out for help, but support will be there if you need it.
Kids Help Phone

Call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT or CAFKIDS to 686868

Family Information Line
Call or text 9-8-8 if you or someone you know is in distress. We are not a service provider.